Home News Coconut-Cannabis Smuggler Busted and Sent to Jail

Coconut-Cannabis Smuggler Busted and Sent to Jail

Coconut-Cannabis Smuggler Busted and Sent to Jail

In a recent case that rocked the cannabis world, a crafty smuggler found himself behind bars after attempting to transport nearly 140 kilos of herbal cannabis from Ghana. The culprit’s ingenious plan involved concealing the stash inside innocent coconuts.

The incident unfolded when authorities launched an investigation led by the National Crime Agency. Their attention was drawn to a shipment bound for a local business. Upon inspection, Border Force officers discovered a surprising twist inside the container: bags of coconuts filled with plastic-wrapped cannabis hidden among the fruits.

This cleverly disguised operation came to an abrupt end on July 13, 2018, when the container arrived in the UK. The discovery not only revealed the audacity of the smuggler’s tactics but also highlighted the ongoing battle against illicit cannabis trade.

Coconut-Cannabis Smuggler Busted and Sent to Jail


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