Home News Fighting Fire With Fire – The Police’s New Weapon in Cannabis Farm...

Fighting Fire With Fire – The Police’s New Weapon in Cannabis Farm Detection and How to Prevent Detection

Fighting Fire With Fire

Police are utilizing infrared (IR) drones to detect cannabis farms by identifying the heat signatures emitted by the grow lights and equipment used in these operations. Infrared cameras on the drones can detect the heat emitted by the plants, even if they are hidden behind walls or other structures. This allows law enforcement to locate and dismantle illegal cannabis farms more efficiently.

FLIRmask Reflective Sheeting plays a crucial role in preventing heat leakage in various applications, including cannabis farms. It is designed to reflect thermal radiation, which helps to minimize heat transfer and maintain a controlled environment. By applying FLIRmask sheeting to the walls, ceilings, and other surfaces of a cannabis grow facility, heat leakage can be significantly reduced.

The reflective properties of FLIRmask sheeting help to trap and contain the heat generated by grow lights and other equipment within the designated cultivation area. This not only helps to maintain optimal growing conditions but also prevents the detection of excessive heat signatures from outside the facility. By minimizing heat leakage, FLIRmask sheeting aids in enhancing thermal insulation, improving energy efficiency, and reducing the risk of detection by infrared surveillance techniques.

Fighting Fire With Fire


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