Home News Inside the World of Drug Traffickers: High-Speed Speedboats and the Perilous Pursuit

Inside the World of Drug Traffickers: High-Speed Speedboats and the Perilous Pursuit


In their relentless pursuit of illegal profits, drug traffickers spare no expense, shelling out a staggering €180,000 to acquire speedboats designed for discreetly transporting massive quantities of hashish. These high-priced vessels serve as the legal instruments that enable the clandestine operations of the Spanish drug trade, facilitating the surreptitious smuggling of tons of illicit substances.

A skilled navigator demands no less than €30,000 to steer a speedboat on a daring journey to Spain, spanning a mere half an hour. The drug kingpins highly esteem their mastery in evading police inspections and safeguarding their precious cargo of hashish. Moreover, this perilous undertaking carries a physical peril. In November 2016, tragedy struck as four suspected narcotics officers lost their lives in a harrowing accident during a high-speed pursuit. To counter this menace, customs officials have procured two semi-rigid speedboats equipped with the necessary attributes of “speed, maneuverability, and versatility” to effectively pursue and apprehend these drug traffickers.


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