Home Blog The Art of Dab Rigs: Exploring the Artists, Prices, and Collectors

The Art of Dab Rigs: Exploring the Artists, Prices, and Collectors


Dab rigs, also known as oil rigs or concentrate rigs, have become a significant part of the cannabis culture, offering a unique and artistic way to enjoy cannabis concentrates. These intricate glass pieces are not only functional but also serve as works of art, with talented artists crafting them into mesmerizing designs. With their hefty price tags and a growing community of collectors, dab rigs have established themselves as highly sought-after and prized possessions in the cannabis world.

The artists behind these masterpieces are skilled craftsmen who push the boundaries of glassblowing to create stunning and innovative designs. Each dab rig is meticulously handcrafted, showcasing the artist’s creativity and technical expertise. These artists have honed their skills over years of practice and experimentation, constantly pushing the envelope to create unique pieces that stand out in the market.

One renowned artist in the world of dab rigs is Scott Deppe, the founder of Mothership Glass. Deppe is known for his intricate and highly detailed designs, often incorporating precious metals and gemstones into his creations. His dab rigs are considered some of the most sought-after and expensive in the industry, fetching prices upwards of tens of thousands of dollars.

Another prominent artist is Sagan, the founder of Sagan Glass. Sagan’s work is characterized by his use of vibrant colors and intricate patterns, creating visually stunning dab rigs that are both functional and visually appealing. His pieces have gained a significant following among collectors and can command high prices in the market.

Speaking of prices, it’s no secret that dab rigs can come with hefty price tags. The combination of the artistic craftsmanship, rarity, and demand for these pieces contributes to their high value. Prices for collectible dab rigs can range from a few hundred dollars to tens of thousands of dollars, depending on factors such as the artist, design complexity, and materials used.

For example, the “PeliNail” by Highly Educated is a popular and highly sought-after dab rig accessory that can reach prices of over a thousand dollars. This electronic nail is known for its precision and durability, making it a favorite among serious dab enthusiasts.

In addition to individual artists, there are also established brands that have made a name for themselves in the dab rig market. Some notable brands include Toro Glass, Hitman Glass, and Mothership Glass, to name a few. These brands have built a reputation for producing high-quality and visually stunning dab rigs, attracting a loyal following of collectors and enthusiasts.

Collecting dab rigs has become a passion for many cannabis enthusiasts. Just like art collectors, dab rig collectors appreciate the craftsmanship, design, and rarity of these pieces. They seek out unique and limited-edition pieces to add to their collections, often trading or selling them among fellow collectors. Some collectors even curate their own exhibitions or showcase their collections at cannabis events and conventions.

In conclusion, the world of dab rigs is a fusion of artistry, craftsmanship, and cannabis culture. Talented artists push the boundaries of glassblowing to create intricate and visually stunning pieces that command hefty prices. With a growing community of collectors and a market that values creativity and craftsmanship, dab rigs have evolved beyond their functional purpose to become highly coveted works of art.



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