Home Blog The “GoFast” Method: Hash Smugglers Exploiting Schengen Zones to Outrun Authorities

The “GoFast” Method: Hash Smugglers Exploiting Schengen Zones to Outrun Authorities


The “GoFast” method has emerged as a notorious technique employed by hash smugglers to transport drugs into Europe. This article explores the modus operandi of these smugglers, who take advantage of the Schengen zones and use high-powered vehicles to storm through checkpoints and border crossings without stopping. Due to the speed and agility of their vehicles, law enforcement agencies often struggle to apprehend these smugglers, whose actions pose significant challenges to authorities combating drug trafficking.

The Schengen Zone and its Vulnerabilities:
The Schengen Agreement, signed by many European countries, abolished internal border controls, allowing for the free movement of people across participating nations. While this agreement has facilitated travel and trade, it has also created vulnerabilities that criminals exploit, including drug smugglers using the “GoFast” method.

The “GoFast” Method in Action:

  1. High-Powered Vehicles: “GoFast” smugglers employ specially modified vehicles that are capable of high speeds and maneuverability, enabling them to outrun law enforcement vehicles. These vehicles often have hidden compartments to conceal large quantities of drugs, particularly hashish.
  2. Storming Checkpoints and Border Crossings: The main tactic employed by “GoFast” smugglers is to storm through checkpoints and border crossings without stopping for inspections. They exploit the element of surprise and the inability of authorities to respond quickly enough to intercept them.
  3. Speed as a Defense: By utilizing high-powered vehicles, “GoFast” smugglers rely on speed as their ultimate defense. With law enforcement agencies typically equipped with lower-powered vehicles, the smugglers can quickly escape, making it challenging for authorities to give chase and apprehend them.

Challenges Faced by Law Enforcement:

  1. Inadequate Vehicle Capabilities: The low-powered vehicles used by law enforcement agencies are ill-equipped to match the speed and agility of “GoFast” smugglers. This puts authorities at a significant disadvantage when trying to intercept and apprehend these criminals.
  2. Cross-Border Cooperation: Due to the nature of the Schengen Agreement, coordinating efforts across multiple countries can be complex. Smugglers exploit this lack of seamless cooperation between law enforcement agencies, allowing them to cross borders and evade capture.
  3. Limited Resources: The high-speed nature of “GoFast” smuggling requires substantial resources and training for law enforcement agencies to effectively combat it. However, limited budgets and resources can hinder their ability to keep up with the evolving tactics employed by the smugglers.
  4. Public Safety Concerns: The “GoFast” method poses a significant risk to public safety, as these high-speed pursuits can lead to accidents, endangering innocent bystanders and law enforcement officers. Balancing the need to apprehend the smugglers with the safety of the public becomes a crucial challenge for authorities.

The “GoFast” method has become a significant concern for law enforcement agencies combating drug smuggling in Europe. Exploiting the vulnerabilities of the Schengen zones, hash smugglers utilize high-powered vehicles to outmaneuver authorities at checkpoints and border crossings. The speed and agility of their vehicles make it difficult for law enforcement to give chase and apprehend them.

Addressing this issue requires enhanced cross-border cooperation, improved resources, and training for law enforcement agencies. Additionally, exploring technological advancements and strategic collaborations between countries can help combat the “GoFast” method effectively. By focusing on these aspects, authorities can work towards safeguarding the Schengen zones and preventing drug smuggling activities that pose a threat to public safety and security.

Disclaimer: This article is based on information available from various sources and aims to provide an overview of the “GoFast” method and its challenges. It does not encourage or promote any illegal activities and emphasizes the importance of adhering to the law.


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